The question is not strictly related to Digikam, but I thought some of you could have provide an answer.
I'm in the process of creating a photos book with 200-300 photos.
I have exported to an external folder all the pictures among which I will make a final choice.
Now, I need to "play", sort and arrange them, in order to provide a good sequence for the book. This has nothing to do with an automatic sorting order; I would like to choose and move manually each photo in order to get a definite order, before getting them in Scribus for desktop publishing.
Do you know any tool that can provide such a function; something like drap & drop the thumbnails, then save the manual order?
By the way, I'm running Linux, so neither a Windows/Mac-only will do.
Thanks for your answers,
Une galerie photos, un blog ... pourquoi pas ?
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