Re: digikam!

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Re: digikam!

Gilles Caulier-4
Melle R. Holthuis,

Thanks a lots for your feedback. It is very appreciate !

For the next major release 0.10.0, digiKam will be ported to windows (and MacOsX) + a lots of new majors features.

I recommend you to take a look at the project web site for details, especially on developpers blogs...

I forward your mail to the digiKam developpers mailing list for the rest of the team.


Gilles Caulier

2007/11/11, Melle R. Holthuis <[hidden email]>:
Dear mr. Caulier

I have been using digikam for quite a while and I must say that I really
love it.! I am a dual booter, due to some software that I must use for
work, but whenever I want to do photos I will simply boot into linux and
use digikam. Ik have not found a decent full alternative for Windows and
I hope that somewhere in the future I can also use digikam in windows,
for those occasion where  it is necessary to be in windows. In windows I
do use picasa for viewing occasionally, and I must say that it also has
some nice features. Above all it is very fast and has a slight edge over
digikam in this respect. For the rest digikam rules, especially for
management and editing and it deals with the movies I make with my
camera very well in combination with kmplayer

Well I  just felt I needed to express my gratitude, keep up the good work!

A satisfied dutch user

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