Re: "Moved" files lost

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Re: "Moved" files lost

Paul Verizzo

Message: 2
Date: Thu, 19 Jan 2012 18:22:17 +0000
From: Jim MacLeod [hidden email]
To: [hidden email]
Subject: Re: [Digikam-users] Move function wiped source card..and
	didn't move
Message-ID: <7902829.MI1LuTbo71@trymside>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

On Thursday 19 Jan 2012 10:12:44 Paul Verizzo wrote:
One of my own rules for a decade has been, don't delete camera files until
they are copied onto the hard drive and those are backed up, locally or

Then why move the files, which deletes the originals. As you said, copy them to 
the new destination, check everything is correct and, ONLY THEN, delete the 
if the card is empty then they have been moved - and possibly Dolphin knows 

Well........... yesterday I decided to move a dozen low quality shots for
eBay using DK's Move.  Instead of typical quick move, a box popped up, a
slider went slowly back and forth, and then a Dolphin box popped up with
the files displayed in it.  Well, I didn't need anything Dolphin (I do know
what it is), so I closed it. 

Nothing got moved.  And I ran my excellent data recovery program twice on
the card and there is NOTHING found.  I have NEVER had that happen. 

Now, I'm not so much complaining about having to reshoot those images -
thank the goddess they weren't irreplaceable - but for the next victim,
that might be the case. 

DK needs to just MOVE those files, no special procedures wanted.  Surely
someone has already had a disaster.

Jim, I shouldn't have had to find out the hard way that moving didn't work and I should have stuck to Copy.  That, and the mysterious TOTAL disappearance
of the files is what I was trying to alert the dK programmers to.  It appears to have CUT the files without immediately writing them to the new location.

And, I found it very, very strange that a very good data recovery program couldn't find one bit of, um, bits and bytes to read.   I don't use Dolphin, I use Windows
and the Dolphin window just popped up. 

Unless this is an unreported bug of the Windows compilation, this is a very, very bad way of doing things.  It's good to be different, but not when it's


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