Re: Digikam-users Digest, Vol 120, Issue 21

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Re: Digikam-users Digest, Vol 120, Issue 21

Heikki Rekki
​Hey and thanks for version 4.10! Ihave tried it now few days and here are some of my comments.
1. Now digiKam imports my tags from ACDSee correct. Fine!
2.  digiKam imports all embedded tags from fotos and I have many pictures downloaded from net. So, I have hundreds of tags in my list and I didn't know, how to remove those, whitch are not relevant to me. I must first select all not importatn tags and delete them. Is there any other method to group tags, can I make new tag (my tags) and then paste my own tags to there? I couldn't find sutch method still. If I could make my tags for instance named "000 my tags", they are allways first in the list and I must not seek them all over the tags. My own tags are nested as ACDSee mede it.
3. The Tool Tips of the thumbnails. First I had those tips useless: they were white square and I see some titles there, but no tags, nothing EXIF, IPICT, Makernote or Properties, all was white. Then I changed the theme and colors, I changed all of trexts to black and now I see those texts, but I have no idea about what text is what. I want tips about that somwhwre in manual.
Thanks Heikki

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Re: Digikam-users Digest, Vol 120, Issue 21

Gilles Caulier-4

2015-05-21 10:53 GMT+02:00 Heikki Rekki <[hidden email]>:
​Hey and thanks for version 4.10! Ihave tried it now few days and here are some of my comments.
1. Now digiKam imports my tags from ACDSee correct. Fine!
2.  digiKam imports all embedded tags from fotos and I have many pictures downloaded from net. So, I have hundreds of tags in my list and I didn't know, how to remove those, whitch are not relevant to me. I must first select all not importatn tags and delete them. Is there any other method to group tags, can I make new tag (my tags) and then paste my own tags to there? I couldn't find sutch method still. If I could make my tags for instance named "000 my tags", they are allways first in the list and I must not seek them all over the tags. My own tags are nested as ACDSee mede it.

Did you try Tag Manager tool from AlbumGUI/Tags menu ?

After tags tree-view management, you must perform a sync of file metadata with DB (see Maintenance tool). This can take a while...
3. The Tool Tips of the thumbnails. First I had those tips useless: they were white square and I see some titles there, but no tags, nothing EXIF, IPICT, Makernote or Properties, all was white. Then I changed the theme and colors, I changed all of trexts to black and now I see those texts, but I have no idea about what text is what. I want tips about that somwhwre in manual.

Can you share a screenshot please ?

Gilles Caulier

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