Problem with upload to flickr and geo-localizer

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Problem with upload to flickr and geo-localizer

Dr. Martin Senftleben

I'm quite glad that the flickr uploader doesn't any longer block the
remaining part of digikam, as sometimes the upload takes several hours
(huge and many images). However, I encounter one problem which occured
several times now:

I upload images to flickr in the background and at the same time use
the geo localizer tool to correlate gps data to the images. This works
fine, but when I want to apply the changes made to the images (i.e.
insert the GPS data into the images), the flickr uploader stops or
better reports an error while uploading (but doesn't say what happened).
The upload goes on when the geo localizer is finished and I click on
continue, but the image that was supposed to be uploaded at that time
isn't uploaded. When I want to do that afterwards, the uploader always
tells me that it cannot upload the image. It does that
instantaneously, there is no waiting for a login or so noticeable. It
seems as if the image got a tag or so "don't upload this to flickr".

Has anyone observed the same thing happening yet? Is there some
solution to this, or is it a bug?



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