Some time ago I reported that since digikam moved to QT5 selection of
paper sizes for printing has not been working as it should, you are
unable to select some valid paper sizes for the selected printer.
Having got no where after reporting to both openSUSE and Fedora where I
had been able to recreate I contacted the Gutenprint developers to see
if they could reproduce it. They indeed have been able to and have
opened a QT bug with the developers. It transpires that QT use a
hard-coded list of paper sizes which is unbelievable in my view.
Anyway the bug is at if anyone here can reproduce this issue please create an account with
QT and vote for this bug to be resolved.
I realise that printing may not be high on the list of things people do
but the longer this goes on the more likely it will hit more and more
people as more applications move to use QT5.