I already tried to get prints from several services and usually it's not
great. Photos can look very different from what I have and result is not
the same depending on the labs...
But, fortunately they seem to produce roughly the same wrong colors (eg,
too dark and too much magenta).
So, what I would like to do is, before uploading pictures, to modify
pictures so that prints look more similar to what they should be.
Any suggestion ?
I guess one could use color management for that. But it means I have to
create a profile first (how ?) and then to (batch) apply it to all my
pictures (usually around 50).
It's important for me to be able to do that automatically for all
pictures or it would be too long...
I know some printing services provide a color profile but usually it's
not enough, and most of the time, they are really more expensive than
others !
I don't plan to do something very very precise, but just to get
something a bit better.
Thanks for your help !
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