Permission on newly created albums

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Permission on newly created albums

Good Day!

We have set up a share folder /home/pictures so anyone can easily access it. Its file permission are so that anyone in the group can read, write and execute.   However everytime, Digikam creates a new album in this folder, the permissions are set so only the owner can modify the image, not the group. Is there a way so Digikam can create a new album with the correct file permission (rwxrwxr--x) or I am condemned to do it manually everytime we create an album?

I have look around to get an answer to this but it is unfruitful...

running Mepis on  Inspiron2200

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Re: Permission on newly created albums


> Good Day!
> We have set up a share folder /home/pictures so anyone can easily access
> it. Its file permission are so that anyone in the group can read, write
> and execute.   However everytime, Digikam creates a new album in this
> folder, the permissions are set so only the owner can modify the image,
> not the group. Is there a way so Digikam can create a new album with the
> correct file permission (rwxrwxr--x) or I am condemned to do it manually
> everytime we create an album?

Try to adjust your umask setting before starting digikam.
Eg: umask 0002


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