No way to see the batch work progress

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No way to see the batch work progress

Every time I use the batch tools manager, I end up with Digikam being unavailable for some time with this window that says nothing about the remaining work in progress. When scrolling down, it is always the same words, and I have no idea how many lines are there, as they are all the same.
Could you consider adding either the picture file name, or even a range number, or whatever that allows to distinguish between subsequent lines, and more or less evaluate how much work remains to be done.


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Re: No way to see the batch work progress

As I said in my previous message, I have no way to know whether work in the background is still in progress or not. In the past, I used to wait for quite a long time and, seeing no apparent change, killed Digikam.
Today, I waited as long as I could ... and it took 7 full hours to update the attributes of the 79 pictures that had been previously treated by the batch tool manager!
What had been done in the BTM was: 1) resize pictures to 792px max, 2) add some "netteté", 3) convert to JPEG (original pictures were TIFF) and 4) put the JPEG files in an other directory. The BTM seemed to run smoothly, but it ended 7 hours ago, and I still had to wait up to now for Digikam to finish the attributes update.
And I still cannot see any thumbnail in any album view, though pictures can be displayed in full size. The refresh button doesn't change anything. I tried to reconstruct the thumbnails of one album and Digikam became unresponsive.

The database has been recreated from scratch a couple of weeks ago, in an attempt to begin again with 'clean tags'.
Am I the only one to have such response time problems?
What can be done to have Digikam word 'normally'?


2014-09-19 15:26 GMT+02:00 Marie-Noëlle Augendre <[hidden email]>:
Every time I use the batch tools manager, I end up with Digikam being unavailable for some time with this window that says nothing about the remaining work in progress. When scrolling down, it is always the same words, and I have no idea how many lines are there, as they are all the same.
Could you consider adding either the picture file name, or even a range number, or whatever that allows to distinguish between subsequent lines, and more or less evaluate how much work remains to be done.



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