No thumbnails for .mov files

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No thumbnails for .mov files

Amos Shapira

I use Digikam 0.8.2 on Debian Etch (testing). It's "About" box says it uses KDE 3.5.3 and Kipi library 0.1.4.

The problem is simple - Digikam doesn't show thumbnails for any of the .mov movie files I import from a Nikon Coolpix 4500.

I found an advise in the FAQ to increase the size of the limit for thumbnails and did this to 20Mb but it still doesn't work (all my movie files are less than 10Mb long).

Konqueror shows thumnails for the movies properly.

I tried to clean my thumbmails cache after increasing the site but still it doesn't help - Digikam will re-create thumbnails for regular photos but not for the movies.

I use GNOME 2.14 as my desktop environment.

Digging the network so far only seems to indicate that people just get it working and at most had problems with older versions of Digikam on large files and such.

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks very much,


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