Moving an album

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Moving an album

John B. Egger-2
I created a ~200-photo album in /home/john/Pictures and added captions,
tags, and revised creation dates. Earlier, I had copied the same
photographs to /media/disk/Photographs and had created a few captions
and tags there. (There's a small digikam4.db file there dated a month
ago.) Although I worked with the photos in that location a little bit, a
month ago, but I then did much more extensive work with the
/home/john/Pictures copy. How do I get the complete set of metadata (in
/home/john/Pictures/digikam4.db) into /media/disk/Photographs?

As soon as I'm confident this is done, I'd like to completely delete the
/home/john/Pictures folder, which was always intended to be temporary.

The answer to this is probably pretty simple, but I didn't find it in
the Handbook. (Digikam 1.4.0)

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Kubuntu Maverick Meerkat, KDE 4.5.1

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