Many images with multiple resolutions

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Many images with multiple resolutions

B Wooster
So after a struggle to get digikam working (rotate was not working, no error message - turned out it needed kipi-plugins before rotate works!), I am now looking into using digikam, and maybe someone here has dealt with a similar situation as outlined below:

I have a lot of photos, say they are all around 5000 px x 5000 px or thereabouts.
I would like to select a bunch, for uploading.
So I can use batch process, and resize multiple images to say 1000 px or thereabouts. I need to look at the resized photo, maybe crop it (most of time though, it is kept as it is).
Then I upload the lower res pictures.

Now I have two (sometimes more) copies with different resolutions of the same image.

Is there some way in Digikam to manage these multiple copies, like have them linked together, etc? There is a find duplicates function, but even if that finds images of different resolutions, that is something that would have to run each time.

Any nice way to handle images with multiple resolutions?

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Re: Many images with multiple resolutions

Is there any reason you want to keep the low resolution?
As for myself, I only keep the biggest, and re-create the low
resolution when I need some ... not so often (once they have been
published); with the batch tool manager they are easy and quick to
make everytime I need them.


2011/8/13 B Wooster <[hidden email]>:

> So after a struggle to get digikam working (rotate was not working, no error
> message - turned out it needed kipi-plugins before rotate works!), I am now
> looking into using digikam, and maybe someone here has dealt with a similar
> situation as outlined below:
> I have a lot of photos, say they are all around 5000 px x 5000 px or
> thereabouts.
> I would like to select a bunch, for uploading.
> So I can use batch process, and resize multiple images to say 1000 px or
> thereabouts. I need to look at the resized photo, maybe crop it (most of
> time though, it is kept as it is).
> Then I upload the lower res pictures.
> Now I have two (sometimes more) copies with different resolutions of the
> same image.
> Is there some way in Digikam to manage these multiple copies, like have them
> linked together, etc? There is a find duplicates function, but even if that
> finds images of different resolutions, that is something that would have to
> run each time.
> Any nice way to handle images with multiple resolutions?
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