Locked out of digikam

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Locked out of digikam

Philippe Clérié

I am running Digikam 4.12 on Kubuntu 16.04. I believe I have managed to
lock myself out of Digikam.

1 - I changed my home directory to a NFS share.
2 - The root directory for network users is now /users instead of /home.
3 - Digikam databases are in $HOME/Pictures
4 - Collections are in various places in $HOME/*

Of course, only now am I finding out that Digikam Sqlite databases
cannot be placed on a NFS share (why?). So basically, I can´t read
anything, much less see something.

At the moment, I´m trying to move the database location some place on
the local hard disk. (Of course that negates the purpose of having the
photos on the network, but that´s another story.) It´s churning, I´m
hoping it´s doing something.

I was hoping to move the databases to Postgresql but it looks like
Digikam only works with Sqlite and MySQL. I already have PG installed, I
don´t really want to have another DBMS. But the only option I find in
settings is Sqlite.

Is there anything else I could try? Suggestions?



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