Linux Digikam file xmp access rw settings

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Linux Digikam file xmp access rw settings

Peter Mc Donough

I noticed that with newly created xmp-files the xmp access rights are
set inconsistently by the system.

There are some xmp-files with "rw-rw-rw-" others with "rw-r--r--"
settings within the same folder, independently of settings of the
originating .jpg or .dng files.
In my case my, originals photos are usually set to read-only "r--r--r--"

Test: (System openSUSE 12.3 64bit,
digiKam Version 3.5.0 KDE 4.10.5 "release 1")

outside digikam, digikam not started.
- take about 100 .jpg
- copy them into two different directories which can be read by digikam
- set one group to read-only "r--r--r--"
- the other to owner read-write "rw-r--r--"

start digikam
- create xmp-files for all photos in one go, for example by adding one
tag to the files.
- close digikam
- check the access rights.

Result in my system: A mixture of access rights for the xmp-files.

The question is: Which access rights are to be expected?

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