Is there a way to adjust dates of files using names of files?

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Is there a way to adjust dates of files using names of files?


My Android phone records videos and photos with file names format like, respectively, VID_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.mp4 and IMG_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.jpg.

Sometimes I need to retrieve photos' original files dates from EXIF (then I use the digiKam "Adjust Time & Date" image function).

But, unlike photos, videos don't have encapsulated metadata, and I only can retrieve videos original files dates from videos file names!

So, with digiKam, is there a way to adjust dates of files using names of files?

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Re: Is there a way to adjust dates of files using names of files?

Gilles Caulier-4
Menu Image/Adjust Time & Date tool.

But video include metadata, especially date. You need to use Exiv2 0.25 with digiKam. This library version support video files.

Gilles Caulier

2015-09-08 4:37 GMT+02:00 Jean-Martial NDOUTOUME NFENGONE - VERSATIL DEVICES <[hidden email]>:

My Android phone records videos and photos with file names format like, respectively, VID_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.mp4 and IMG_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.jpg.

Sometimes I need to retrieve photos' original files dates from EXIF (then I use the digiKam "Adjust Time & Date" image function).

But, unlike photos, videos don't have encapsulated metadata, and I only can retrieve videos original files dates from videos file names!

So, with digiKam, is there a way to adjust dates of files using names of files?

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