Image Editor: Change default tabs in right sidebar?

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Image Editor: Change default tabs in right sidebar?

Hi there,

I would like to change the default tabs in the right sidebar of the
image editor window.
The default 6 tabs on the right sidebar in my DigiKam 4.14 installation
on Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 are:
1. Properties
2. Metadata
3. Colors
4. Geolocation
5. Captions/Tag
6. Versioning

I would like to customize the defaults in this way:
1. Properties
2. Metadata
3. Color-Autocorrection <--new
4. Geolocation
5. Captions/Tag
6. Versioning

How could I achieve this?

Thanks for a hint in advance,

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Re: Image Editor: Change default tabs in right sidebar?

Gilles Caulier-4
You cannot. Positions are hard coded...


Gilles Caulier

2016-11-04 21:57 GMT+01:00 NeiNei <[hidden email]>:
Hi there,

I would like to change the default tabs in the right sidebar of the image editor window.
The default 6 tabs on the right sidebar in my DigiKam 4.14 installation on Ubuntu-MATE 16.04 are:
1. Properties
2. Metadata
3. Colors
4. Geolocation
5. Captions/Tag
6. Versioning

I would like to customize the defaults in this way:
1. Properties
2. Metadata
3. Color-Autocorrection <--new
4. Geolocation
5. Captions/Tag
6. Versioning

How could I achieve this?

Thanks for a hint in advance,