IPTC and XMP "title" tag information

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IPTC and XMP "title" tag information


I just found out that digikam when I set an image description in the
appropriate field in the right sidetab where you can also set tags, that this
information is written into the IPTC "caption" and XMP "description" entries.

Unfortunately I am working right now with zenfolio webgallery services
(www.zenfolio.com). They do for example provide flash based slideshows you can
embed in your own webpage and these slideshows can also show a title of the
photo displayed, eg where it was taken.

The problem is: digikam writes the informatiion I entered to the caption and
zenfolio wants to read this information from the title of IPTC. So the
description is always empty because zenfolio and digikam do not agree where to
search for a description or title (both make sense for describing  what a
photo shows).

Is there any way I can make digikam write the captions text also to the title
entry automatically? I know I could use the metadata editor but this would
mean I have to manually copy the information for each photo for IPTC and XMP.
This is not really an option.

Is there a way to tell digikam what information to write to which fields in


Rainer Krienke, Uni Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, A22, Universitaetsstrasse  1
56070 Koblenz, http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke, Tel: +49261287 1312
PGP: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html,Fax: +49261287 1001312
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