How to compile in german language translation?

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How to compile in german language translation?

Bugzilla from

I don't know how to compile in the german translation.
I've tried to get the german po files from svn:

# cd graphics
# svn co -N
svn:// ./de

then added "macro_optional_add_subdirectory(de)" to CMakeLists.txt

But after compiling I still have on american english in the language
switch menu.

Did I miss any step or am I completely on the wrong track?


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Re: How to compile in german language translation?

Sveinn í Felli
If you have the correct digikam.po, you would compile it;
msgfmt -o digikam.po

This gives a file that should be copied/moved to
the following location;
/usr/share/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES (most distros, XX being
your langID, e.g. de for german).

This should take care of it, restart Digikam if it was running.

on Ubuntu there is a
but I think it's for some packaced apps.

/opt/kde3/share/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES (kde3 on suse)
Actually only is needed for digikam itself, plus
eventually the bunch of kipiplugins etc.

Your environment should also have your LANG declared.

Hope this is not too confusing.

Sveinn í Felli
Icelandic Digikam translator

Guenther Erhard wrote:

> Hi,
> I don't know how to compile in the german translation.
> I've tried to get the german po files from svn:
> # cd graphics
> # svn co -N
> svn:// ./de
> then added "macro_optional_add_subdirectory(de)" to CMakeLists.txt
> But after compiling I still have on american english in the language
> switch menu.
> Did I miss any step or am I completely on the wrong track?
> Guenther
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Re: How to compile in german language translation?

Bugzilla from

> If you have the correct digikam.po, you would compile it;
> msgfmt -o digikam.po
> This gives a file that should be copied/moved to
> the following location;
> /usr/share/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES (most distros, XX being
> your langID, e.g. de for german).
> This should take care of it, restart Digikam if it was running.
> on Ubuntu there is a
> /usr/share/locale-langpack/XX/LC_MESSAGES
> but I think it's for some packaced apps.
> /opt/kde3/share/locale/XX/LC_MESSAGES (kde3 on suse)
> Actually only is needed for digikam itself, plus
> eventually the bunch of kipiplugins etc.
Thanks for the hints, but this would be a manual step and doing it for
all the plugins would be a pain in the ...

I've done now several attempts and was finally successful:

# cd graphics
# svn co -N
svn:// ./po/de

Then I have added
"macro_optional_add_subdirectory(po)" to CMakeLists.txt

After that I copied out of the beta5 tar-ball the CMakeLists.txt of the
po-directory to the new created po-directory of my local svn
installation and deleted all "add_subdirectory(xx)"-entries except that
one for "de" in the file.

After that I copied out of the beta5 tar-ball the CMakeLists.txt of the
po/de-subdirectory to the po/de-subdirectory of my local svn
installation without changing anything.

Then the usual cmake, make, make install procedure and it worked: a had
bunch of gmo-files which were installed
in /usr/share/locale-langpack/de/LC_MESSAGES and I was able to switch to
german in Digikam.

But I am still wondering why this cannot be automatically installed by
the usual svn up ... procedure? svn up does only install the po-files,
but no CMakeLists.txt. :-(

Does anyone know how to get this behaviour?


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Re: How to compile in german language translation?

In reply to this post by Bugzilla from
The German letter set is a Latin-based letter set, with the same letters you can discover in the essential present day Latin letter set. Rebecca: So the Roman Realm and its composed dialect, Latin, are the roots of the German alphabet…

There are three sorts of interpreter: mediator, compiler and constructing agent. is a program that changes over source code into machine code. By and large, there are three sorts of interpreter: compilers.

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