Happy new year 2016...

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Happy new year 2016...

Gilles Caulier-4
Hi all digiKam peoples,

I would to wish you an happy new year 2016. digiKam project will continue this year with a major 5.0.0 release which is in development since one year.

As it's have been explained in previous beta 2 release, the main goal of 5.0.0 will be to port all the code on new Qt5 framework and to reduce KDE API dependencies. This is a very important stage of the project to maintain all source code for the next years... 

So, i will give you a rendez-vous for the next beta stage to test the application and report all regressions until the final release planed around May.

Have a happy digiKaming....


Gilles Caulier

Digikam-devel mailing list
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