Hi all,
In first i want to welcome to all students selected for the events for
this summer.
This year, the KDE developers big reunion is planed in first week of
September in Milan Italy :
https://dot.kde.org/2019/04/24/announcing-akademy-2019-milan-italy-september-7th-13thI will go to the event with Thanh to present the Face DNN project.
This will be also a good final stage to review together and validate
all new codes done in dedicated development branch and merge back to
master for a public beta stage.
So the purpose of this message is to ask to all other mentors and
students if they want to join the game at Milan. This will be a good
opportunity to present your works to the community and to discover
other team and share experience.
The advantage to talk at Akademy is to be sponsored by KDE-ev, for the
travel and hotel. Of course, as explained in the link for dot.kde.org,
a registration and a abstract need to be done before the end of May.
I know already that Maik will not available for the event.
What's about all other people ?
Gilles Caulier