Geolocation question

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Geolocation question

Mick Sulley
My camera does not have geolocation so I have never looked at it before,
but I just downloaded a few pictures from my phone and that does have
it, but I don't understand what I see -

A picture taken just down the road is OK
Some taken at a restaurant are OK
Some taken in Cornwall show as being taken at my sister in laws house in
Birmingham  - Why??

I could understand it not being able to report a location if there was
no signal, or possibly reporting the last known location, but Birmingham
to Cornwall I just don't understand!

I guess it must be a problem with the phone rather than DigiKam?

Any ideas?
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Re: Geolocation question

Gilles Caulier-4

2015-10-31 12:22 GMT+01:00 Mick Sulley <[hidden email]>:
My camera does not have geolocation so I have never looked at it before, but I just downloaded a few pictures from my phone and that does have it, but I don't understand what I see -

A picture taken just down the road is OK
Some taken at a restaurant are OK
Some taken in Cornwall show as being taken at my sister in laws house in Birmingham  - Why??

I could understand it not being able to report a location if there was no signal, or possibly reporting the last known location, but Birmingham to Cornwall I just don't understand!

I guess it must be a problem with the phone rather than DigiKam?

digiKam just read GPS position latitude, longitude, and altitude if exist. There is an Exif tags which indicate the level of reception of satellite (not supported by all device). perhaps your phone was waiting satellite connection or try to have a better geoposition using Wifi which can be of course not available (Wifi is used to improve pure GPS solution)

So, i think it's a phone GPS reception problem

Gilles Caulier

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