Exif data

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Exif data

Anders Lund

I marked in digikam settings->metadata->behavior: Tags, Image Title and
Description, to be written to meta data.

However, when using perl Image::ExifTool, those data does not appear,
even after I ask digikam explicitly to write metadata to file.

The file is a jpeg (though it would be smart to put the data into the
RAW file).

What is wrong?

If I use the metadata editor to do this, it works, but that is very,
very cumbersome! Shouldn't digikam do it automatically???

I need this for autoprocessing images this way:

I take pictures a sail racing events. Each boat have a bow number,
which is most often in the photo. I put this bow number in the image
description, like "B27", and then run a script that uses a small
database to fine the name, nationality and sail number of the boat.

This is then fed back into the image description, and I generate a
small image with a text and some logo, and puts it in the bottom of the
photo, all using imageMagick.

But it will not work if there is no way of getting digikam to put the
first bit of information into the image :(

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Re: Exif data

Anders Lund
Ok, seems I got it to work. Sorry for the noise...

På Sat, 15 Jul 2017 14:03:57 +0200
Anders Lund <[hidden email]> skrev:

> Hi,
> I marked in digikam settings->metadata->behavior: Tags, Image Title
> and Description, to be written to meta data.
> However, when using perl Image::ExifTool, those data does not appear,
> even after I ask digikam explicitly to write metadata to file.
> The file is a jpeg (though it would be smart to put the data into the
> RAW file).
> What is wrong?
> If I use the metadata editor to do this, it works, but that is very,
> very cumbersome! Shouldn't digikam do it automatically???
> I need this for autoprocessing images this way:
> I take pictures a sail racing events. Each boat have a bow number,
> which is most often in the photo. I put this bow number in the image
> description, like "B27", and then run a script that uses a small
> database to fine the name, nationality and sail number of the boat.
> This is then fed back into the image description, and I generate a
> small image with a text and some logo, and puts it in the bottom of
> the photo, all using imageMagick.
> But it will not work if there is no way of getting digikam to put the
> first bit of information into the image :(
> Kindly,
> Anders