Editing RAW-converted PNGs and then saving for Web

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Editing RAW-converted PNGs and then saving for Web

Quick question. I'm editing 16-bit PNGs which are in the  wide-gamut colour space. After I'm done, I want to generate a version of the image for posting in the web. For that, I'm going to use (8-bit) JPGs with srgb-d65 as color profile.

If in digikam, after editing my png, I do save-as JPG, digikam keeps the original wide-gamut color space. I need digikam to convert the image to srgb-d65, then save the jpg. How can I do this?

Gimp has the option to Convert the color space of the image but I can't find the same in Digikam. Obviously in the conversion the tone range shrinks but this makes no difference when viewing the image in a PC monitor, which can't do more than srgb-d65.

I don't use Gimp for the conversion because I want the converson to be done in 16bits (PNG) which gimp still can't handle.

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Re: Editing RAW-converted PNGs and then saving for Web

If in showfoto I try Color > Color Management, then select
Input = embedded (which is widegamut in my case)
then if I attempt to change the Working Space to srgb (my default is widegamut), the resulting image colors as displayed in my PC Monitor change a lot which is telling me that Digikam is not doing a conversion but simply reassigning the Workspace profile.

Just found that Krita, same as Gimp, can "convert" the image's current space to any other icc profile; after the conversion is done still looks nearly the same in the PC monitor. Still need this Conversion inside digikam though because I prefer using digikam's sharpen & down sampling, and going to krita before those would break the workflow.

Ari El wrote
Quick question. I'm editing 16-bit PNGs which are in the  wide-gamut colour space. After I'm done, I want to generate a version of the image for posting in the web. For that, I'm going to use (8-bit) JPGs with srgb-d65 as color profile.

If in digikam, after editing my png, I do save-as JPG, digikam keeps the original wide-gamut color space. I need digikam to convert the image to srgb-d65, then save the jpg. How can I do this?

Gimp has the option to Convert the color space of the image but I can't find the same in Digikam. Obviously in the conversion the tone range shrinks but this makes no difference when viewing the image in a PC monitor, which can't do more than srgb-d65.

I don't use Gimp for the conversion because I want the converson to be done in 16bits (PNG) which gimp still can't handle.