Digikam face recognition

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Digikam face recognition

Andreas Weigl

first of all great job. I love digikam and I am using it for years now.

I am currently on Fedora with digikam 4.2.0. I have to admit I never worked much with the face detection and recognition and wanted to start now but to be honest, I have no idea how it is supposed to work. What is the work flow?

I mean it is easy to tell digikam to start and scan, limit the scan to folders and such, but what then? Whatever digikam find and can not recognize lands in Unknown.

So here a couple of questions:
1. Is there a way to assign a bunch of pictures at once to one people tag? I tried marking a bunch of pictures and dragging them onto the tag but it then assigned unknown.
2. Is there a way to say for a bunch of pictures "these are not faces". The only way I found is doing it one by one.
3. When I hover over a picture I can start to type the name, below I get a list with possible options and create new. If I start to type "And" for "Andreas" and select my name then "And" remains in the search field. To be honest I think every time I assigned "And" instead of the name.
4. How can I view the images that were recognized but are unconfirmed?
5. How do you deal with unknown persons. Do you leave them in unknown? How do I then find the pictures that I have not checked yet? I could assign a people name AAA_unknown or something but would this not mess up the recognition? If i say "it is not a face" (the white x on the red ball in the top right corner of the image) does that have any negative consequences on the detection and recognition?
6. What shortcuts are you guys using

I would be willing to do the documentation but I need to first know how it is supposed to work.

Thanks in advance

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Re: Digikam face recognition

Mike Booth
On Wed, 10 Sep 2014 01:20:51 Andreas Weigl wrote:

> Hi
> first of all great job. I love digikam and I am using it for years now.
> I am currently on Fedora with digikam 4.2.0. I have to admit I never worked
> much with the face detection and recognition and wanted to start now but to
> be honest, I have no idea how it is supposed to work. What is the work flow?
> I mean it is easy to tell digikam to start and scan, limit the scan to
> folders and such, but what then? Whatever digikam find and can not
> recognize lands in Unknown.
> So here a couple of questions:
> 1. Is there a way to assign a bunch of pictures at once to one people tag?
> I tried marking a bunch of pictures and dragging them onto the tag but it
> then assigned unknown.
> 2. Is there a way to say for a bunch of pictures "these are not faces". The
> only way I found is doing it one by one.
> 3. When I hover over a picture I can start to type the name, below I get a
> list with possible options and create new. If I start to type "And" for
> "Andreas" and select my name then "And" remains in the search field. To be
> honest I think every time I assigned "And" instead of the name.
> 4. How can I view the images that were recognized but are unconfirmed?
> 5. How do you deal with unknown persons. Do you leave them in unknown? How
> do I then find the pictures that I have not checked yet? I could assign a
> people name AAA_unknown or something but would this not mess up the
> recognition? If i say "it is not a face" (the white x on the red ball in
> the top right corner of the image) does that have any negative consequences
> on the detection and recognition?
> 6. What shortcuts are you guys using
> I would be willing to do the documentation but I need to first know how it
> is supposed to work.
> Thanks in advance
> Andy

You've captured my problem with face recognition  exactly. Good Luck


PS If I can assist I'd be happy to.
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Re: Digikam face recognition

Henrique Santos Fernandes

I can also help! I don't realy use digikam yet, but i am plaining to do as soon as i change my distribution.

shotwell was my first program, it is really easy to use but it miss a lot of features

My resposes are below!

Henrique Santos Fernandes

On Wed, Sep 10, 2014 at 6:51 AM, Mike Booth <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Wed, 10 Sep 2014 01:20:51 Andreas Weigl wrote:
> Hi
> first of all great job. I love digikam and I am using it for years now.
> I am currently on Fedora with digikam 4.2.0. I have to admit I never worked
> much with the face detection and recognition and wanted to start now but to
> be honest, I have no idea how it is supposed to work. What is the work flow?
> I mean it is easy to tell digikam to start and scan, limit the scan to
> folders and such, but what then? Whatever digikam find and can not
> recognize lands in Unknown.
> So here a couple of questions:
> 1. Is there a way to assign a bunch of pictures at once to one people tag?
> I tried marking a bunch of pictures and dragging them onto the tag but it
> then assigned unknown.

When i marked a lot of pictures and then use the "litle pop up" inside the picture and type someone name, i think i marked all marked pictures to that tag.

> 2. Is there a way to say for a bunch of pictures "these are not faces". The 
> only way I found is doing it one by one.

Don't know, maybe the same way as i explained before.
> 3. When I hover over a picture I can start to type the name, below I get a
> list with possible options and create new. If I start to type "And" for
> "Andreas" and select my name then "And" remains in the search field. To be
> honest I think every time I assigned "And" instead of the name.

I feel the same way, but it assigne right.
> 4. How can I view the images that were recognized but are unconfirmed?

There is this wish:

I think of this as a big problem for people that start to use the face recognition software. I can't use yet.
> 5. How do you deal with unknown persons. Do you leave them in unknown? How
> do I then find the pictures that I have not checked yet? I could assign a
> people name AAA_unknown or something but would this not mess up the
> recognition? If i say "it is not a face" (the white x on the red ball in
> the top right corner of the image) does that have any negative consequences
> on the detection and recognition?

Don't know =/

> 6. What shortcuts are you guys using

Don't realy use digikam yet. so i dont know.
> I would be willing to do the documentation but I need to first know how it
> is supposed to work.
> Thanks in advance
> Andy

You've captured my problem with face recognition  exactly. Good Luck


PS If I can assist I'd be happy to.
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