SVN commit 504511 by cgilles:
digikam from trunk :
- Image editor Undo Manager support 16 bits image now. The code is based on Joern patch.
- New DImgInterface methods to putImage with new bytes depth.
Joern : i have fixed a wrong bool<->int cast between bytesDepth and bitsdepth values
(the first is a int value, the second is a booleen). The value have been mixed. I have also added any tests of pointer validity (thanks Mr valgrind).
Take a look in the code if all is right for you...
TODO : regressive tests require !
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M +28 -10 dimginterface.cpp
M +5 -0 dimginterface.h
M +5 -6 undoaction.cpp
M +7 -4 undoaction.h
M +19 -18 undocache.cpp
M +10 -7 undocache.h
M +31 -25 undomanager.cpp
M +7 -4 undomanager.h
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