My name is Tommaso, I'm following the growth of digikam to the 0.9.0
version in excitation. You are doing an impressive work. I'm sorry at
the moment I can't help in programming because of lack of spare time.
I'm a lucky owner of a Minolta Dynax 5D as Gilles.
I just write because I've never read of GREYCstoration on the mailing
lists. From the demos it seems very impressive and very flexible.
You can find more information here:
http://www.greyc.unicaen.fr/~dtschump/greycstoration/index.htmlDid someone actually tried to use this program? Someone considered it
to be used inside digikam?
As last question, is the svn instructions on the website the correct
ones to get the development version? I'm just asking because it happens
that during the ./configure it's not looking for exiv2, that, for what
I've understood is replacing the libkexif for reading exif info. If this
is not the case, how can I test the development version?
Thanks for the wonderful work you are doing!
Tommaso Schiavinotto <
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Digikam-devel mailing list
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