Digikam Problem in SUSE 10.3 and in Ubuntu 7.10

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Digikam Problem in SUSE 10.3 and in Ubuntu 7.10


I love digikam, and have used it before in earlier versions.

In Ubuntu 7.1, when you try to use a texture, add a border (other than
a simple color), or use the calendar tool - the photo is just replaced
with solid black.

I actually reformatted and installed the KDE version of SUSE thinking
it was an Ubuntu thing - but alas, it does the same in SUSE 10.3.

So, image - edit, decorate 'add border' and 'apply texture' both fail
making the photo solid black. Also, the calendar does the same thing.

I'd really love this to work. Thanks for any information you can provide.
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