Deleting hierarchical tags and (sub)tags impossible

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Deleting hierarchical tags and (sub)tags impossible

Deleting hierarchical tags and (sub)tags :
After extensive restructuring of albums and hierarchical tags the following problems have arisen and remain:
- It is impossible to delete some (sub)tags, regardless of the chosen method (tag manager, label tab, filter tab).
- The system seems to accept the deletion of tags, but they reappear a few moments later.
In some cases, they seem to have been deleted, but they will be reborn at the next session as root tags; they will then be definitively indestructible.
- I end up with hundreds of linearized hierarchical tags.
Thanks for your advice.
Paul Christophe
Paul Christophe
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Re: Deleting hierarchical tags and (sub)tags impossible


I have extensively with hierarchical tags in digikam, and that kind of problem usually happens when you don't have the proper write permissions on the files (digikam seems to be unaware of that, will change the tags in the database, but not in the pictures). Can you verify if the changes are indeed written to the files (by using an external tool). Also, try to re-read the metadata from digikam.