Database migration to another computer

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Database migration to another computer

Bogdan Opanchuk

What is the correct procedure for moving the database to a new location (and another operating system)?

Currently I have a PC1 with an existing digikam database and some photos in it, and a PC2 with installed digikam, and a database with some discardable photos (created for testing purposes). I want to move the database from PC1 to PC2 (and discard the existing PC2 database). PC1 has Windows, PC2 has OSX, if that makes any difference.

If I just copy the folder with .db files and photos to PC2 and point digikam to it (via configuration -> Database), it offers me to use the existing database file. I select that, and then digikam complaions that the collection "is currently not found on your system" and offers me two options: mark it as removable and ignore the error. If I ignore it, the message pops up every time at the start (and the path it quotes points to the location of the original discarded collection, not the actual path in the configuration).

Can anyone point me to the relevant part of the documentation?
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Re: Database migration to another computer

I see this hasn't been answered in a year.

I'm also interested in knowing how to move collections as well. This is
an important consideration before committing to a program. How do you move
databases and collections.

Searching the mail list, I see at least one other person with a similar
question but with no answer.

Use case:

I have images in a directory used by Drop Box, but want to switch to a
directory used by Google Drive (or similar switch between any other cloud
syncing service.)

Is there a standard method for changing collections?

Thank you!

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