Copy meta data

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Copy meta data

Hans-Peter huth
Maybe i'm blind :), but in 4.14 i could assign meta data to an image by
importing EXIF or XMP from another image. Can't find this feature in 5.1. Is
this hidden somewhere or is this feature lost?


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Re: Copy meta data

Gilles Caulier-4
These features have not yet been ported from Qt4 to Qt5, into the Batch Queue Manager. Please report this wish in KDE bugzilla.


Gilles Caulier

2016-08-28 19:15 GMT+02:00 Hans-Peter <[hidden email]>:
Maybe i'm blind :), but in 4.14 i could assign meta data to an image by
importing EXIF or XMP from another image. Can't find this feature in 5.1. Is
this hidden somewhere or is this feature lost?


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Why taunt me? Why upbraid me? I am merely a genius, not a god.
(Nero Wolfe)
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