Changing data in a subform

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Changing data in a subform

Michael Eschweiler-2
Hi there,
I am trying to change data in a subform depending on the data of the
masterform. In the subform I have various widgets with the same  datasource
as the subform itself and one widget with data calculated depending on the
row the the datasource. I wrote a script that every time the datasource-row
changes it actualizes the data of the 'disconnected' widget. I put this
script in the 'after row change' of the subform. When I open the subform as a
main form all works fine: With the every change of the row the value of the
calculated widget changes correctly. Now, when I open this form within the
masterform the row change of the subform works, this means, that with every
row change of the masterform automatically changes the row of the subform,
but my script doesn't work any more, because the subform doesn't perform
the 'after row change' action any more.
Any idea how I can induce the subform to do the 'after row change' action when
it is opened as such (perhaps accessing the widget directly from the masterform)?
Thanks in advance,
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