Cannot save in folders created by digikam

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Cannot save in folders created by digikam

Bugzilla from
Hi list,

I have the following strange problem with saving images in digikam (fresh svn
checkout) after editing them.

It seems saving will always fail if I try to save in a folder created by
digikam, for example in a folder created by importing from a memory card or an
album created within digikam. Upon saving I receive an error message similar
to "Failed overwriting original file" (I'm guessing the english version from
the german translation here), and so I'm forced to discard the changes I made
to the image.
However, if I create a folder from outside of digikam, say from the command
line or with dolphin, and work in such a folder, I can save my edited images
without problems. I tried with exactly the same file and I can save it in the
album created from outside but not in the one created by digikam. Read/write
permissions seem to be fine though. To make things even more complicated, I
realized that - sometimes - I also cannot save in a folder created manually if
it is a subfolder of a folder created by digikam.

I really don't understand what's going on here. Can someone confirm this
problem or is it a known bug?

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