Can't write metadata to CR2 files under Windows

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Can't write metadata to CR2 files under Windows

I'm currently evaluating digiKam on Windows and am impressed by what has been accomplished. The main problem I've encountered is that I can't persuade digiKam to write metadata to RAW CR2 files.

My understanding is that:

1) digiKam can write to RAW files if the configuration setting is changed to do so – which I have. I note that this feature is considered experimental.

2) digiKam uses Exiv2 to provide RAW metadata writing support [source:]

3) Exiv2 has only supported writing to CR2 files since 23-Apr-2012, when version 0.23 was released [source:]

4) since then, writing to CR2 files apparently works in digiKam under Linux [source:]

5) Exiv2 (or at least a command line version of it) is available for Windows [source:]

6) digiKam 3.4.0 has a build date of September 25, 2013, after the release of Exif2 0.23 I guess that digiKam should be capable to writing to CR2, despite the 'experimental' tag.

Can anyone provide me with further information on why this isn't working / when it will work / whether it will be resolved in the Windows port of digiKam 4.0?
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Re: Can't write metadata to CR2 files under Windows

To clarify - that's under Windows 8.1.