Browsing albums - painfully slow :\

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Browsing albums - painfully slow :\

Anders Lund

Now running digikam 5.0, and browsing images is still frustratingly slow. I
get sore arms, because hitting the -> key does not result in the image
changing (well, sometimes, but often not).

This worked like a charm before, on systems with less resources than this one.
There must be someting fundamentally wrong!

Kindly (and stiff-shouldered),
Digikam-users mailing list
[hidden email]
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Re: Browsing albums - painfully slow :\

Gilles Caulier-4
Not reproducible here.
I made test on a virtual machine where i can reduce memory and CPU core. It work as expected until a limit of memory (less than 2Go of RAM it's become complicated to edit images).
Can you imagine that we have released this version without to see this kind of dysfunction ?
I suspect something wrong in packaging. perhaps a sub component introduce time latency as Exiv2 for ex, or perhaps the connection to DB (do you use Mysql ?)..
Gilles Caulier

2016-07-12 22:08 GMT+02:00 Anders Lund <[hidden email]>:

Now running digikam 5.0, and browsing images is still frustratingly slow. I
get sore arms, because hitting the -> key does not result in the image
changing (well, sometimes, but often not).

This worked like a charm before, on systems with less resources than this one.
There must be someting fundamentally wrong!

Kindly (and stiff-shouldered),
Digikam-users mailing list
[hidden email]