Hey there
I've been using digiKam for a few months now. It's great software, but I'm strugling renaming multiple files at once. After I found out that I have to use the rename function instead of the batch processing, I'am able to rename a single file with my new filename structure [date:"yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"]_[file]. However, when I select multiple files and try to rename, the application processes every file with an error. Afterward it asks me if I want to try again of if I want to try to rename the images by overwriting them.
=>If I choose to retry: same result
=>If I choose to rename by iverwriting them: same result
I tried searching this forum but couldn't find recent related content.
Am I doing something wrong or am I overlooking something?
thx! :-)
Edit: Forgot to mention I work on Windows 10