Advanced Rename - Errors on renaming multiple images

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Advanced Rename - Errors on renaming multiple images

Flying fox
Hey there

I've been using digiKam for a few months now. It's great software, but I'm strugling renaming multiple files at once. After I found out that I have to use the rename function instead of the batch processing, I'am able to rename a single file with my new filename structure [date:"yyyyMMdd_hhmmss"]_[file]. However, when I select multiple files and try to rename, the application processes every file with an error. Afterward it asks me if I want to try again of if I want to try to rename the images by overwriting them.

=>If I choose to retry: same result
=>If I choose to rename by iverwriting them: same result

I tried searching this forum but couldn't find recent related content.
Am I doing something wrong or am I overlooking something?

thx! :-)

Edit: Forgot to mention I work on Windows 10

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Re: Advanced Rename - Errors on renaming multiple images

Flying fox
This problem has now been resolved (with version 7.3.0). See the overview of the fixes related to renaming files after the release of version 7.2.0.